Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Ill. Attorney General Holds Identity Theft Summit, State Ranks 10th Nationally

Ill. Attorney General Holds Identity Theft Summit, State Ranks 10th Nationally: "Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan recently convened the first-ever Illinois Identity Theft Summit. The goal of the summit was to bring representatives from law enforcement, the court system, government, business and consumer advocacy groups together to brainstorm about how to provide better services to victims of identity theft and develop more effective strategies for preventing the fastest growing crime in the nation.
Speaking at the summit, Madigan also detailed for the first time the current results of her Identity Theft Hotline, which has been in operation since February of this year. The Hotline is a dedicated resource with advocates on hand to assist victims through every stage of the recovery process. Since February of this year, the hotline has handled nearly 3,000 requests for assistance. "

Comment: It's stupid when the right hand has no idea what the left is doing. The federal government already has an identity theft hotline. Why waste more tax payer money???

A hotline isn't what's needed. Fix the cause not the symptoms.



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