Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Load of Online Crock!

"Simple steps can prevent identity theft - Before ordering anything online, make sure your Internet connection is secure. When you advance to a Web page that requires you enter private or sensitive information - name, address, card number and password - look for an icon at the bottom of your browser window that looks like a closed padlock or unbroken key. This is your assurance that security is active. Conversely, an open lock or broken key indicate security is inactive...

How important is a secure connection? Two words: identity theft. Anytime you send sensitive information to a nonsecure Web site, you risk the possibility of someone obtaining your personal information and using it to buy goods, obtain credit cards or even loans in your name
." Scott A. May, Columbia Tribune, May 2, 2006

What a load of crock!

Sure. You always face possible risk of identity theft.

But compromising your personal information while transmitting personal info over an unsecure web connection is more fiction than fact. Past events reveal security breaches stem from other problems.

The fact is there's no proof that anyone suffered from identity theft because he or she sent personal info over an unsecured web connection. Nothing. Nada. Zip.

If this were such a problem, identity theft numbers shouldn't be so high since most web sites secure their connections for personal information. It's pretty well a defacto standard today.

In most cases stored personal information is compromised due to improper care by the host.

You'll hear "the database was hacked" or "the backup tape was lost." But you don't hear "someone intercepted my personal info over my web connection and used it to commit identity theft!"

Using a car for comparison, it's far easier to hijack a parked car than one that's blowing by at 60 miles per hour.

It's this type of amateur nonsense that takes away from the real problem at hand.


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