Thursday, July 06, 2006 - Protecting Yourself From Medical Identity Theft - Protecting Yourself From Medical Identity Theft: "�When someone has taken your identity information, such as your name or your social security number, and they use it to get medical treatment in your name,' said Pam Dixon of the World Privacy Forum.

So how does it happen? Imposters either provide fake insurance information to medical providers, or none at all, which can end up costing you big money.

Medical id thieves can also alter your health record -- putting you in life threatening situations. 'You can have a wrong blood type, you can have prescriptions on your record that you don't take,� said Dixon.

Joe says the man who stole his identity has since died, but the problems the thief caused could continue to haunt him for years. �Now he's dead. Am I dead? You know, will I ever get social security?'"

Comment: This type of identity theft could be a serious problem if it in fact alters your health record. It's one thing to your wealth, but it's extreme to lose your health or even your life because of another person's misdeed.


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